Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cancun Mexico

Cancun is an important city in Quintana Roo Estado ("State"), in southeastern Mexico. The name refers to the city and the nearby recreation area 0.25 island and the city of Cancun. Peninsula on the northeastern coast of Yucatan, and is essentially a service town for the holiday resort of Cancun on an island in the shape of The Cancun (13 km in length - miles above). A road connecting the city of Cancun ResortCancun Area (also known as the Zona Hotelera / Hotel Zone). Iceland Cancun hotels rise and sprawling resorts, and the coastal area of the occupied city of Cancun is filled with white sand beaches, palm trees and coral reefs, almost without the rainy season, Remove the jungle in the southern state of Quintana Roo, almost the entire annual rainfall.

Posted by Mayan Indians has been resolved, the territory described for the first time and referred to Cancun (Mayan:"Vase at the end of the rainbow") in 1843 by the American explorer John Lloyd Stephens and the British explorer Frederick Catherwood in their classic work, incidents of travel in Yucatan (1843). CancĂșn was a small village-and-stock village Maya fishermen about 100 to 1970, when he was selected after a three-year study of the conditions of the Mexican government, in cooperation with private interests, the area as a place for a holiday internationally.

Withina decade, a steady stream of tourists from all over the world, Cancun area had established as a successful experiment in planning a completely new city and resort. Many problems remained in the city's housing service, where about 30,000 workers were living in crude huts. city of Cancun is the highway to Puerto Morelos Juarezto are in the north and south of Puerto. An international airport is located 12 miles south of town on the mainland.Population of the city of Cancun in 1990 was 167 730.

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